Saturday 1 December 2018


I did spend a couple of hours today walking around outside 
Today somebody asked me what my interests are. Really, that was the question! I know it's difficult to imagine such a thing. But it's true. And I said, Myself. We both laughed as if I had ventured a witticism; if that had been what I'd done, then it would have been important to immediately follow up with a thoughtfully-curated selection of my actual interests, or alternatively and probably better, a list of plausible 'interests' I might conceivably pass as being interested in, and of roughly the same type as the interests I had just heard about from my conversation partner, ie sitting somewhere on the spectrum from My Life's Work to It's a Living. Instead I left it more or less at that. The truth is I was bamboozled by the question and that is hopeless. After all, this all went down at the school fete, ie the locus classicus of that scene where another parent tries to make you talk about real estate, a move I hate so much that I've got a technique for blowing it off the rails, and that technique is basically this, ie ask a serious question about something that matters, and if the reaction is flailing, then don't bother investing any more time in getting acquainted. 

But I really am interested in Myself, and as an end not a means. I have many subsidiary interests, many of them strong, ranging from friends and family, cats, books, sewing, and food, through to anxiety, the olden days, cannibalism and washing my hair extremely well, but ultimately, it's me that is the endless source of my strongest fascination and the perpetual object of my tenderest and most baffled curiosity. 

As of Sunday I'm setting the blog to private for a couple of weeks. I'm applying for a job. When that process is over I'll un-private it again. Meanwhile I'll send reader invitations to people who asked for them, back when I was contemplating permanently setting it to private, along with anyone else who asks for one. I'll be writing every day.  

1 comment:

elaine said...

I can't recall if I asked last time but *hello* I would like to keep reading.