Monday 21 March 2011

Winding things up...

Officially I finished work and began my maternity leave on Friday afternoon, but of course I didn't get everything necessary done before then. So I am sitting at my desk at work, (feeling pretty stupid) taking a short break between a lecture on poststructuralist feminism, which I spent all day yesterday writing except for the parts where I fell asleep, and a meeting with a research group I'm involved with. There are still fifteen things on my work 'to-do' list. I'll get all of them done, bar three ongoing low-key projects, by Friday, and then my real rest period will start. I can't say how much I am longing to be able to put work aside for a while. I am convinced it'll help me sleep better. Last night I was so desperately sick of tossing and turning I got up and went and lay on the couch and read Lucky Jim for a couple of hours.

We bought a car on Saturday. It has air conditioning and electric windows and so forth. This is very nice but I am greatly relieved at a more basic level because our current car has broken down three times this year and is very small and not equipped to provide much protection if it gets in a crash. The dealer told Dorian that the previous owner was a member of the Exclusive Brethren. Is that supposed to be sort of like the 'little old lady who only drove it on Sundays' of yore, ie the ultimate in desirable previous owners because one who must surely have been nice to the car, not fanged it or covered up any damage? I suppose we will find out. The dealer himself was all you would expect him to be. I hate to stereotype people but honestly. Highly skilled in the fine arts of giving evasive answers to direct questions and pressuring you into doing whatever it is that will produce the highest commission for himself.


Elephant's Child said...

Stereotypes have to come from somewhere. We once had a real estate agent (country town, no choice) whose wife called him Slippery. And he was.
Much more importantly - excellent that your maternity leave has very almost started and, fingers crossed, you will get a little rest.

Mindy said...

If it is not done by Friday, let someone else do it. Putting your feet up is far more important, especially if this baby is in a hurry to come out. Now I've probably jinxed you and bubs will be late.

elsewhere said...

Sorry to have missed coffee with you this am! I did finally break into my car with the help of a handyperson and a coathanger. Perhaps I can ride out to visit you and Dorian on a weekend afternoon soon?

Tim said...

When our rental house was being sold from under us, the real estate agent was straight from central casting. He even quoted Dale Carnegie at me on more than one occasion.

Also, my new job requires me to speak to auto mechanics on a daily basis. You can imagine.

Hooray for leave!

naomi said...

Sorry to have to tell you this love - Exclusive Brethren are the biggest petrol heads going. They ALWAYS have heaps of cars, and drive them crazily. On the up side, they do tinker with them and seem to maintain them well, and a fair number run mechanics shops. I am sure the new car will be fine, and is breathing a sigh of relief to be driven by more liberal folk.

Do enjoy the maternity leave sweet one. It's a lovely time together.

Ampersand Duck said...

Oh ceiling cat, yes, enjoy the leave. It will be the last true peaceful solitude you have for ages...

Great news about the car! Apart from the electric windows. They give me the horrors. The aircon will be sooo good.

Keep writing! Love your work, yadda yadda.