Friday 25 November 2005

I'm a loser, baby...

Dorian's made a mashup (Beck/Lennon/Steve Buscemi) which I have been listening to this afternoon while clearing up a little ole administrative mess, reading email debates about troll-wrangling, thinking grimly about the brokenness of the Internets at home, and (with the back of my mind as always) contemplating the glacially slow progress of my magnum o'puss. He might have been thinking of me when he put this together?

Arty Fufkin - Give Losers A Chance


lucy tartan said...

And is it pathetic of me to have noticed that if our internet avatars tied the knot, they'd be known as Lucy and Arty Tartan-Fufkin?

jac said...

No, not pathetic unless you are actually doodling "Mrs Lucy Tartan-Fufkin" on your school refill pad.

And I thought Doriartie was not to defile any more Beatles songs? He defies authority!

Phantom Scribbler said...

(Resisting the urge to send you linens monogrammed with "Lucy and Arty Tartan-Fufkin")

cybele malinowski said...

ooo sounds like my sorta album! your not alone, loser Xx

Ampersand Duck said...

Yesterday my usual Boring Tuesday was made ultra-hellish by a visiting printer who had the cricket on very loud all afternoon. I retaliated by downloading this and playing it repeatedly for a while. Dunno if it had any impact on him, but I REALLY enjoyed it. It holds up to repetetive playing!

When is the collected works CD available for purchase?

zhvuaqu... the sound those cricket nuts were making...